






大江泵業(yè)是一家生產(chǎn),齒輪泵,不銹鋼齒輪泵圓弧齒輪泵,羅茨油泵,高粘度泵,G型單螺桿泵,3G三螺桿泵,雙螺桿泵,KCB、2CY齒輪輪泵、齒輪油泵,YCB圓弧齒輪泵,IH不銹鋼化工泵,LCX高粘度羅茨泵,BRY高溫導(dǎo)熱油泵,NYP高粘度轉(zhuǎn)子泵,TCB防爆式油泵,YHB立式、臥室潤(rùn)滑齒輪泵,BCB擺線內(nèi)嚙合齒輪泵,CYZ-A 自吸式離心泵,YHCB車載圓弧齒輪泵,YPB滑片泵等1400余種規(guī)格及型號(hào),是國(guó)內(nèi)知名企業(yè),設(shè)備檢測(cè)手段完善,公司一直追尋客戶是,我們?yōu)榱私鉀Q流體輸送難的問(wèn)題特意研發(fā)特種產(chǎn)品及異形產(chǎn)品,使得客戶的好評(píng),公司歡迎國(guó)內(nèi)外友商前來(lái)訂購(gòu)洽談,我們真誠(chéng)期待您的到來(lái)。

1500000 orders and Dagang Oilfield successful signing

14 p.m. on December 20th, the company successfully received Dagang Oilfield Purchasing Department Manager Zhang and inspection personnel, to our company to negotiate orders

Dagang Oilfield was founded in 1964 January, after years of carve, oil and gas production base in Salina has been built into a set of oil and natural gas exploration, development, crude oil processing, machinery manufacturing, scientific research and design, logistics services, a variety of business, social welfare and other functions in one. The existing staff of more than 71000 people, the total number of cadres of more than 22000 people, professional and technical personnel more than 19000 people. The development and construction of the 21 oil and gas fields, the formation of annual production of 4300000 tons of crude oil, 360000000 cubic meters of natural gas production capacity and 2500000 tons of crude oil processing capacity. By the end of 1996, the cumulative production of 93490000 tons of crude oil, natural gas 12400000000 cubic meters, in the national land 21 oil and gas Tanaka, according to the output of crude oil, row sixth, column fifty-ninth in the National 500 large enterprises.

Dagang Oilfield with general manager purchase orders with the company to negotiate the price and quality commitment, the order consists of the roots pump 30, KCB series gear pump 45 sets, 10 sets of single screw pump, high viscosity pump 4 sets, 2 sets of magnetic gear pump a total of 91 products, the manager of the company to calculate the amount of 1510000 to five thousand nine hundred yuan, all in accordance with the the lowest price, and the quality of three bags of standard, company commitment of Dagang Oilfield products will be sold two years warranty, the warranty magnetic gear pumps for more than three years, Dagang Oilfield General Zhang immediately and your general manager telephone contact, and explain the strength and price and quality commitment of our company, the general manager and in Dagang Oilfield our company chairman Li calls that price and quality problems to the possession of certain advantages, the company chairman, all in accordance with the contract, after the call and we signed about 1500000 contracts, supply for a period of two months, the company orders, will be divided into three batch of delivery, the first for the roots pump 100 10 stage and high viscosity pump delivery, the second batch of KCB series gear pump and single screw pump delivery, the goods of third and all together, we strictly in accordance with the contract .

The pump is a professional production of stainless steel, gear pump, gear pump, arc gear pump, roots pump, high viscosity pump, G type single screw pump, 3G three screw pump, screw pump, KCB, 2CY gear pump, gear pump, YCB arc gear pump, IH stainless steel chemical pump, LCX high viscosity the roots pump, BRY high temperature heat pump, NYP high viscosity pump rotor, TCB explosion proof type oil pump, YHB vertical, bedroom lubrication gear pump, BCB internal cycloidal gear pump, CYZ-A self-priming centrifugal pump, YHCB vehicle arc gear pump, YPB vane pump more than 1400 kinds of specifications and models, is well-known domestic enterprises, perfect detection means advanced equipment, the company has been pursuing the customer is God, we in order to solve the difficult problem of fluid conveying specially developed special products and special product, so that customers, the company welcomes domestic and foreign friends to come to order to negotiate, we sincerely look forward to your arrival.

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