




新春佳節漸近,為使全體員工度過一個歡樂、祥和、平安的新春佳節,切實做好節日期間的工作,根據_規定并結合公司實際情況,現將2015年春節放假安排通知如下 :

2015年2月8日 舉辦公司年會(具體事宜另行通知);

2015年2月9日—2015年2月25日 春節放假(共計17天);

2月26日(星期四)正式上班。      除此之外,不準許節前、節后請假。




15 Chinese New Year holiday arrangements notice

Botou City, the major Pump Manufacturing Co. hereby notified:

Spring Festival approaching, to enable all employees to spend a happy, peaceful, peaceful New Year, take safety work during the holiday season, according to state regulations and the Company's actual situation, now 2015 Spring Festival holiday arrangements notified as follows:

February 8, 2015 annual meeting held in the company (the specific issues notice);

February 9, 2015 February 25 2015 Chinese New Year holiday (total of 22 days);

2 月 26 日 (星期四) official work. In addition, do not allow pre-holiday, holiday leave.

Oe Pump chairman with the staff wish you a Happy New Year!


Chinese New Year is the biggest holiday, the traditional name for the New Year, New Year Danian, but verbally, also known as the degree of years old, celebrate New Year, the Chinese New Year. Spring has specifically refers to the ancient solar terms in the beginning of spring, is also seen as the beginning of the year, and later changed to the lunar calendar for the new year began. Generally at least until the fifteenth day (Lantern Festival) before the end of the New Year, Spring Festival, commonly known as "New Year", is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Chinese nation, before the Han Dynasty period, the Spring Festival, all toward each date is not consistent, since the Han Dynasty in the beginning was the beginning of the first year to the lunar calendar (lunar) month of Rosh Hashanah, the New Year's date thus fixed, until today, after the Revolution of 1911, began to use the Gregorian calendar year terms, then known as the Gregorian calendar January 1, "New Year" first lunar month is called "Spring Festival."

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